
Do I need to have a negative COVID-19 test to travel to Kenya?

find out about the covid-19 test requirements for travelling to kenya. find out about the need to present a negative test, the rules in force and practical advice for a worry-free trip.

Entry requirements for Kenya

It is important to know conditions for entering Kenya before planning your business trip. Health requirements for entering Kenya are currently changing in line with the global epidemiological situation.

To travel to Kenya, it is necessary to comply with the health protocols in force. Travellers are often required to present a COVID-19 test negative. This test should generally be carried out within 72 hours of departure.

However, certain relaxations may apply depending on the traveller's vaccination status. For example, fully vaccinated persons may not be required to provide a negative PCR test if they provide a negative PCR test. proof of vaccination.

Documents required for entry may include:

  • A printed copy of your negative COVID-19 test.
  • A vaccination certificate, if applicable.
  • A health surveillance form duly completed before boarding.

The Kenyan authorities may carry out additional screening tests on arrival. In the event of a positive test, quarantine measures may be imposed, resulting in the following penalties additional costs for travellers.

The health documentation required to enter Kenya and the specific conditions can change rapidly. It is therefore advisable to consult the official websites and airline instructions for the latest information before you leave.

Current regulations on COVID-19 testing

For entering KenyaHealth requirements evolve in line with the global epidemiological situation. It is crucial to keep abreast of current regulations before planning your trip.

At present, travellers must present a certificate of negative PCR test for the COVID-19completed within 96 hours prior to travel. This certificate must be in English and include the following information:

  • Traveller's full name
  • Date of birth
  • Name of laboratory
  • Date and time of sampling
  • Type of test performed (PCR)
  • Test results

It is important to note that Kenya only accepts results from PCR tests. Antigenic or other tests are not recognised. So make sure that the laboratory carrying out your test is accredited and provides results that comply with the requirements.

In addition to the negative PCR test, travellers must complete the health surveillance form via the online Jitenge system. This form must be completed before arrival to facilitate the monitoring of visitors' health in the country.

Passengers showing symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival may be subject to further testing at the airport, even if they already have a negative PCR test certificate. In the event of a positive test, mandatory quarantine measures will be applied in accordance with the guidelines of the Kenyan Ministry of Health.

For those who travel frequently or need to extend their stay, it's a good idea to check regularly for updates on the health requirements of Kenya, as these rules can change rapidly.

Finally, to avoid fraud and complications at the border, make sure that all your documents are in order and that your PCR certificate is authenticated by an approved laboratory. Vigilance and preparation are essential for a smooth business trip.

Documents required for travel

Travelling to Kenya in this period of pandemic requires certain health rules to be taken into account. The Kenyan authorities have put in place measures to ensure the safety of travellers and the local population.

At present, you are required to present a COVID-19 test negative to enter Kenya. This test must be carried out by RT-PCR in 72 hours prior to departure. Antigenic or serological tests are not accepted.

On arrival at the airport, travellers may be subject to additional screening, including temperature controls and medical examinations if necessary. If a traveller presents symptoms or tests positive, quarantine measures are planned.

Before travelling to Kenya, it is vital to check the entry conditions, as these can change rapidly depending on the global health situation. The Kenyan authorities frequently update this information to ensure everyone's safety.

In addition to a negative COVID-19 test, you need to complete a health surveillance form. This document is available online and must be completed before departure. Once completed, a QR code is generated and must be presented on arrival.

Travellers should also be prepared to provide information on their state of health and local contact details to facilitate follow-up if necessary.

  • Passport valid for at least six months after the planned return date.
  • Electronic visa (eVisa) obtained online before departure.
  • Negative COVID-19 test carried out by RT-PCR within 72 hours of departure.
  • Health surveillance form filled in and printed with the QR code.
  • Proof of transport and accommodation.

For longer stays or if your details change, we recommend that you contact the Kenyan Immigration Service to obtain the relevant information. Make sure you have travel insurance covering medical expenses and repatriation in the event of COVID-19.

Finally, we strongly advise you to check the official Kenyan government and embassy websites regularly for updates on travel conditions to avoid any inconvenience.

Exceptions to the test rule

To travel to Kenya, you are currently required to present a COVID-19 test negative. This test must be carried out within 72 hours of your departure. The Kenyan authorities accept PCR test results only, and antigenic or rapid tests are not valid for this formality.

The test certificate must be in English and include the following information:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Date and time of test
  • The test result (must be negative)
  • Name and contact details of laboratory

In addition to taking the test, travellers are also required to complete a health surveillance form online before they arrive in Kenya. This form, which is available on the Kenyan government website, is used to monitor and control international arrivals in terms of public health.

Please note that temperature checks may be carried out on arrival. In the event of symptoms of COVID-19, the Kenyan authorities reserve the right to carry out isolation and additional tests.

However, there are exceptions to the testing rule for certain groups of travellers. Children under the age of 5 are exempt from the requirement to present a negative test on arrival. In addition, passengers in transit who do not leave the airport's transit zone are also not required to provide a negative COVID-19 test.

Travellers who have already been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 must still comply with the testing requirements currently in force, unless otherwise advised by the Kenyan authorities prior to departure. It is advisable to check regularly for updates on entry requirements to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

By following these protocols and providing the necessary documents, travellers can cross the Kenyan border unhindered, ensuring the health and safety of all.

Procedures for travellers

find out if you need a negative covid-19 test to travel to kenya. find out about the current requirements, the procedures to follow and tips for safe travel.

It is essential to know health requirements before travelling to Kenya. As the situation is evolving rapidly, it is advisable to keep abreast of the latest updates from the Kenyan authorities.

International travellers must present a COVID-19 test negative to enter Kenya. This test must be carried out within 72 hours before departure. Make sure that the test is RT-PCR and that it is carried out by a recognised laboratory.

In addition to a negative COVID-19 test, travellers must complete a health surveillance form online before boarding. Once you have completed this form, a QR code will be generated, which you will need to show on arrival in Kenya.

We also recommend that you take out travel insurance which covers the cost of medical treatment for COVID-19. This precaution may be essential if you need treatment on site.

Health checks on arrival include taking a temperature and assessing general health. If symptoms are detected on arrival, quarantine or isolation measures may be implemented.

For frequent travellers or those needing to extend their stay, the visa extension is done online. Make sure you meet the deadlines and provide the necessary documents to avoid any inconvenience.

  • Negative RT-PCR test carried out within 72 hours of departure
  • Health surveillance form completed online
  • Travel insurance covering COVID-19 recommended
  • Health checks on arrival
  • Visa extension available online

Remain vigilant against attempts to fraud and use official websites for all administrative procedures. Make sure your documents are in order, so you can cross the border without a hitch.

Process for submitting test results

Travelling to Kenya at this time of pandemic means keeping abreast of the health requirements in force. For the time being, it is must have a negative COVID-19 test before boarding the plane for Kenya.

Travellers must undergo a PCR test within 96 hours of departure. It is essential that this test is carried out in an approved laboratory to guarantee its acceptance by the Kenyan authorities. Please note that the results must be in English.

Once the PCR test has been carried out and found to be negative, travellers must register their test results on the platforms designated by the authorities. This process is crucial for obtaining a QR code that will be scanned on arrival in Kenya.

Travellers must bring various documents with them, including:

  • A valid passport
  • Electronic visas (e-Visa)
  • Negative PCR test result
  • The QR code generated after the test results have been recorded

If there are any errors in the documents submitted or in the forms, it is sometimes possible to correct them by contacting the support team on the official platforms. However, it is advisable to check each document several times before submitting it to avoid any delays or rejections.

If you wish to extend your stay, you can also extend your visa online via the eCitizen portal. It is advisable to do this well before the current visa expires to avoid any inconvenience.

To avoid fraud, we recommend that you only use official websites and check the legitimacy of PCR test laboratories.

Test validity periods

Travellers to the Kenya must comply with current health requirements, particularly with regard to COVID-19 tests. It is compulsory to present a COVID-19 test negative before boarding the flight.

The validity deadlines COVID-19 tests are essential to avoid any inconvenience on arrival. The test must be carried out 72 hours before the departure of the flight to Kenya. The Kenyan authorities are strict about this rule, and tests carried out outside this time window may result in denied boarding.

In addition, only PCR tests are accepted. Antigenic or other types of tests are not valid for entry into Kenya.

If you travel frequently, the procedure may include :

  • Find a recognised test centre to carry out the PCR test.
  • Make sure you receive the results within time required.
  • Have a physical and digital copy of your negative test result, as this may be requested at various checkpoints.

In the event of a delay or test result that does not meet the deadline, it is important to contact the relevant authorities to find out what options are available for your particular situation.

Health measures on arrival

When travelling to Kenya, it is important to keep abreast of the health protocols in force. At present, it is compulsory to present the results of a COVID-19 test negative carried out no later than 96 hours before your expected arrival in the country. This test must be carried out by an approved entity to be recognised as valid by the Kenyan authorities.

Travellers must present a digital or paper copy of the results of the negative COVID-19 test at check-in and on arrival. Make sure that the test certificate includes the following information:

  • Full name as it appears on passport
  • Date of birth
  • Date and time of sample collection
  • Test results
  • Name and contact details of the laboratory carrying out the test

Travellers must also complete a health declaration form online before departure. This form enables the Kenyan authorities to trace contacts in the event of infection during the trip.

On arrival in Kenya, all passengers will have their temperature taken. If passengers show symptoms of COVID-19, they may be subject to an additional test and compulsory quarantine at their own expense, as decided by the local health authorities.

Travellers are also required to comply with the following safety measures social distancing and wear a face mask in all public spaces and means of transport, throughout their stay in Kenya.

If you wish to extend your stay, it is advisable to obtain information on the visa extension procedures and to check whether additional COVID-19 tests will be required to avoid any interruption to the journey.

Requirement Answer
Negative COVID-19 test required for travel to Kenya Yes
Type of test accepted PCR
Validity of the test 72 hours before departure

Impact on tourism

For travellers planning to visit KenyaIt is important to note that the requirements for COVID-19 tests are subject to regular changes, in line with developments in the global health situation and local guidelines.

Currently, the Kenyan authorities require that all passengers entering the country present a COVID-19 PCR test carried out less than 96 hours before the departure of their flight. This test must be carried out in a recognised laboratory, and the results must be available in an electronic version. paper or digital in English. Travellers must also complete a traveller surveillance form online before they arrive.

Children under the age of 5 are exempt from the requirement to present a negative PCR test. In addition, all people showing symptoms on arrival will be subjected to a temperature test and may be placed in a hospital. quarantine if necessary.

Impact on tourism

These health measures have a significant impact on tourism and business trips in Kenya. Visitors should be prepared for possible travel disruptions, such as additional tests and unexpected expenses linked to midlife.

Tourism professionals have had to adapt by offering alternative solutions, such as packages that include the cost of PCR tests. Some airlines and hotels are working with laboratories to facilitate testing before departure and on arrival.

To avoid fraud and check the validity of travel documents, it is advisable to rely solely on the following documents official channels to obtain a COVID-19 test, such as the clinics authorised by the Kenyan health authorities.

In summary, presenting a negative COVID-19 test remains a key requirement for safe travel to Kenya, making sure you keep up to date with the latest updates to avoid complications at the border.

Current state of tourism in Kenya

Health requirements for travel to Kenya have evolved in response to the global situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, it is crucial to be aware of the latest updates before planning a trip.

At the moment, a negative COVID-19 test is compulsory for entry into Kenya. Travellers must provide a certificate of a PCR test carried out in the 72 hours prior to departure. It is important to note that this test must be carried out in a recognised laboratory and the certificate must be in English.

In the event of a positive test, the individuals concerned will not be allowed to board. In addition, the Kenyan authorities may carry out additional tests on arrival, if necessary. In the event of new symptoms or a positive test on arrival, quarantine at your own expense may be imposed.

Here are the necessary documents for a smooth journey:

  • Negative PCR test certificate in English.
  • Health surveillance form completed before arrival.
  • Valid ETA visa for Kenya.

These measures are designed to ensure the safety of travellers and local residents. It is therefore essential to keep abreast of changes in regulations and to be adequately prepared to avoid any unforeseen events.

The pandemic has had a considerable effect on Kenya's tourism sector. Travel restrictions and strict health protocols have reduced visitor numbers, severely affecting the industry.

Despite the challenges, Kenya remains a popular destination. The authorities have introduced measures to protect visitors while boosting tourism. Several initiatives, such as targeted vaccination campaigns and promotional offers, are designed to reassure travellers and boost tourism.

Industry professionals, from hotels to tour guides, are adapting to new standards to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Scrupulous compliance with health protocols is essential to restore travellers' confidence.

Travellers' reactions to the restrictions

Since the start of the pandemic, travel requirements to many countries, including Kenya, have changed. At present, travellers are required to present a COVID-19 test negative to enter Kenya. This test must be carried out within 96 hours prior to departure.

To facilitate travel, the document proving the negative result of the test must be in English and the accepted test is mainly the PCR test. Antigen tests are not generally accepted. Please check the latest updates on specific requirements before travelling.

The Kenyan authorities also insist on the need to complete a health surveillance form online before arrival. This form helps to track travellers if contact-tracing is required for public health purposes.

Travel restrictions undoubtedly have a significant impact on tourism in Kenya. The sector has seen a significant drop in visitor numbers, which is having a serious impact on the local economy, which is largely dependent on tourism.

Several hotels, lodges and national parks have had to reduce their operations or even close temporarily due to the drop in tourist numbers. However, with clear and strict COVID-19 testing requirements, the Kenyan authorities hope to reassure potential visitors and gradually revive the sector.

Travellers have reacted in a variety of ways to the restrictions imposed. Here are some of the reactions observed :

  • Some people appreciate the strict measures, believing that they increase health safety when they travel.
  • Others find the administrative procedures cumbersome and likely to prolong waiting times at border controls.
  • There are also concerns about additional costs associated with PCR tests, particularly for those who travel frequently.
  • Finally, a minority of travellers are uncertain about the validity of their COVID-19 test when they cross the border, fearing that they will be denied boarding or face problems on arrival.

It is therefore advisable to regularly check the latest updates and specific requirements with the relevant authorities before planning a trip to Kenya.

Forecasts for the coming months

Travelling to Kenya currently requires the submission of a COVID-19 test negative. The Kenyan authorities require all travellers, whether vaccinated or not, to present a negative PCR test carried out within 72 hours of their departure. The aim of this measure is to limit the spread of the virus and protect the local population and visitors.

For both business travellers and tourists, this requirement has significant repercussions. For professionals who are often pressed for time, the pressure to complete a test on time and receive the results before departure can generate stress and additional costs. Laboratories must be carefully selected to guarantee the validity of the tests, in accordance with the international standards accepted by Kenya.

Impact on tourism

The requirement to submit a negative COVID-19 test has a significant impact on the tourism in Kenya. Many travellers cancel or postpone their trips because of the complications involved in obtaining the tests. In response, some Kenyan tourism operators are offering integrated solutions, such as packages that include PCR testing as part of the travel package, to simplify the process for tourists.

For regions that are particularly popular with tourists, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, this measure has led to a drop in visitor numbers. Professionals in the sector are organising themselves to put in place reinforced health safety protocols, thereby reassuring potential visitors.

Forecasts for the coming months

The Kenyan authorities are closely monitoring the global epidemiological situation and are ready to adjust their health requirements as the pandemic develops. Over the next few months, several scenarios can be envisaged:

  • Maintaining the requirement to present a negative PCR test, especially if new variants of the virus continue to emerge.
  • The possible introduction of rapid antigen tests to facilitate short-term travel and urgent matters.
  • Relaxation of measures for fully vaccinated travellers, as vaccination coverage increases worldwide.

For all travellers planning a trip to Kenya in the near future, it is essential to stay informed about updated health protocols and to check regularly for updates from the Kenyan authorities before finalising any travel plans.

Alternatives and recommendations

Since the pandemic began to spread steadily, the sanitary rules to travel have strengthened around the world. Travellers to the KenyaTo ensure that your journey is safe and compliant, you need to keep up to date with the latest regulations.

Kenya currently requires travellers to present a COVID-19 test negative in the 72 hours prior to their arrival. This test must be RT-PCR and the negative result must be presented in the form of a printed or digital document. Antigenic tests are not accepted for entry into the country.

The negative test certificate must include :

  • Full name corresponding to passport
  • Date of test
  • Type of test (RT-PCR)
  • Test results

For the children under 5A negative COVID-19 test is not required. However, it is essential to check the specificities, as these may change.

If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, it is advisable to check the measures taken by the Kenyan authorities concerning the vaccination of children against the disease. vaccination certificates. Vaccination does not currently replace the requirement for a negative test.

In addition, we strongly recommend that you take out a travel insurance covering COVID-19-related medical expenses. This is essential to ensure that you are adequately covered in the event of unforeseen health problems during your stay.

Keeping your information up to date before each trip is crucial. Consult the official websites the Kenyan authorities or consular services to receive the applications. latest updates and ensure compliance with all health requirements.

Options for travellers without a negative test

To travel to Kenya, you are required to present a COVID-19 test negative carried out in the 72 hours prior to boarding. This measure is essential to guarantee the health safety of passengers and residents.

In addition to the negative test, travellers must complete a health surveillance form and show a certificate proving the full vaccination against COVID-19. The vaccination certificate must be uploaded onto Enter Port Health's global platform to be validated by the Kenyan authorities.

Random tests may be carried out on arrival to check passengers' health status, even if they present a negative test and vaccination certificate. Travellers should be prepared for this eventuality.

If a traveller does not have a negative PCR test, alternative options exist. In some cases, rapid antigen tests may be accepted. However, it is vital to check specific requirements with the relevant authorities before planning your trip.

To facilitate entry into Kenya and reduce complications, it is recommended that you :

  • Perform the PCR test in a accredited clinic to guarantee valid results.
  • Keep a digital and printed copy of the test results and vaccination certificate.
  • Accurately complete all documents required before departure.

Travellers without a negative test may be denied boarding or required to undergo a screening test at their own expense on arrival in Kenya. It is essential to be aware of the costs and delays associated with this procedure.

Sometimes a period of quarantine may be imposed on travellers without a negative test. This period may vary depending on current regulations and the results of rapid tests carried out on arrival. Compliance with this quarantine is imperative to avoid penalties.

It is always advisable to check with embassies and the Kenyan authorities for updates on travel requirements, as rules can change depending on the global health situation.

Preparing for a trip to Kenya

If you're travelling to Kenya, it's essential to keep abreast of the latest news. health requirements which change regularly. At present, travellers are required to present several documents, depending on their vaccination status and nationality.

Passengers entirely vaccinated against COVID-19 are not required to provide a negative test before entering Kenya. However, they must have a vaccination certificate recognised by the Kenyan authorities.

The unvaccinated travellersAll vaccinated or partially vaccinated animals must present a negative PCR test dated less than 72 hours before departure. These documents must be uploaded to the Global Haven portal for verification and follow-up.

Kenya has also introduced a health surveillance form for all passengers. This document, which must be completed online before departure, can be used to track and manage potential health problems. case of COVID-19. A QR code generated at the end of this process must be presented on arrival.

If you have difficulty obtaining a PCR test or vaccination certificate, you are advised to contact the Kenyan embassy or consulate to obtain the necessary information. specific guidelines. Travellers should also find out about the possibilities for quarantine and the protocols in place in the event of a positive test on arrival.

Here are some recommendations for a successful trip to Kenya:

  • Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after your return date.
  • Keep a copy of your travel documents and test or vaccination certificates.
  • Check regularly for updates to health requirements before you leave and during your stay.

To ensure a smooth journey, it is essential to prepare all the necessary documents in advance. Here are the documents you should have:

  • Passport valid for at least six months.
  • Electronic visa (eVisa) for Kenya.
  • Vaccination certificate or negative COVID-19 test, depending on your situation.
  • Completed health surveillance form and corresponding QR code.

You should also plan to arrive at the airport early enough to avoid any potential delays due to health checks. Keep an eye out for reliable sources of information to avoid any misunderstandings. fraud linked to your ETA visa or other documents. By following these tips, you will maximise your chances of crossing the border unhindered on your business trips to Kenya.

Travel health and safety advice

Travelling to Kenya in this pandemic period raises a number of health issues, not least the need to present a negative COVID-19 test. As in many countries, the Kenyan authorities have put in place specific measures to limit the spread of the virus, while allowing travellers to move around freely.

At present, to enter Kenya, it is compulsory to present a COVID-19 PCR test carried out in the 96 hours before departure. This test must be taken at a recognised test centre, and the result must be in English.

You also need to register on the travel health surveillance portal and complete the surveillance form before arrival. A QR code generated after registration will be requested on arrival at the airport.

Travellers who fail to present these documents risk being refused entry to Kenya and may be placed in quarantine at their own expense.

For those who are unable to obtain a PCR test within the required timeframe, certain exceptions and alternatives are available. Children under the age of 5, for example, are exempt from this requirement. In addition, for travellers coming from countries particularly affected by variants of COVID-19, enhanced measures such as self-isolation could be requested.

We strongly recommend that you check the official Kenyan authorities website regularly for updates, or contact the Kenyan embassy in your country of residence for the latest information.

Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and healthy during your trip to Kenya:

  • Always wear a face mask in public places and respect social distancing measures.
  • Carry with you disinfectant products for hands and objects.
  • Get vaccinated against COVID-19 if possible before you leave, and keep a copy of your vaccination certificate. vaccination certificate with you.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated areas to minimise the risk of contamination.
  • In the event of symptoms of COVID-19, immediately inform the local authorities and follow quarantine or isolation procedures.

Travelling during a pandemic requires careful preparation and constant adaptation to new health requirements. By following this advice and staying informed, you can maximise your chances of crossing borders safely and enjoying your stay in Kenya.

Q: Do I need to have a negative COVID-19 test to travel to Kenya?

R: Yes, all travellers arriving in Kenya must present a negative COVID-19 test carried out within 96 hours of arrival.

Q: Where can I take a COVID-19 test to travel to Kenya?

R: You can have a COVID-19 test carried out in a laboratory or health facility approved by the health authorities in your country. Be sure to check the specific Kenyan requirements for the test before having yourself tested.

Q: What happens if I don't have a negative COVID-19 test when I arrive in Kenya?

R: If you do not have a negative COVID-19 test, you may be tested on arrival in Kenya at your own expense. You will also be quarantined until the test results are available.